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Journal Article
Perry, Erin E., Chien-Yang Chiu, Karttikay Moudgil, Ruth A. Schlitz, Christopher J. Takacs, Kathryn A. O’Hara, John G. Labram, Anne M. Glaudell, Jes B. Sherman, Stephen Barlow et al. "High Conductivity in a Nonplanar n-Doped Ambipolar Semiconducting Polymer." Chemistry of Materials 29 (2017): 9742-9750.
Lynch, Jared, Michele Kotiuga, Vicky V. T. Doan-Nguyen, Wendy L. Queen, Jason D. Forster, R.A. Schlitz, Christopher B. Murray, Jeffrey B. Neaton, M.L. Chabinyc, and J.J. Urban. "Ligand Coupling Symmetry Correlates with Thermopower Enhancement in Small-Molecule/Nanocrystal Hybrid Materials." ACS NANO 8 (2014): 10528-10536.
R.A. DeCrescent, S.J. Brown, R.A. Schlitz, M.L. Chabinyc, and J.A. Schuller. "Model-blind characterization of thin-film optical constants with momentum-resolved reflectometry." OPTICS EXPRESS 24 (2016): 28843-28858.
S.J. Brown, R.A. Schlitz, M.L. Chabinyc, and J.A. Schuller. "Morphology-dependent optical anisotropies in the n-type polymer P(NDI2OD-T2)." PHYSICAL REVIEW B 94 (2016): 165105.
M.L. Chabinyc, A.M. Glaudell, R.A. Schlitz, F.G. Brunetti, and C.J. Hawker. "Semiconducting polymers for thermoelectrics." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 247 (2014).
C.K. Mai, R.A. Schlitz, G.M. Su, Daniel Spitzer, Xiaojia Wang, S.L. Fronk, David G. Cahill, M.L. Chabinyc, and G.C. Bazan. "Side-Chain Effects on the Conductivity, Morphology, and Thermoelectric Properties of Self-Doped Narrow-Band-Gap Conjugated Polyelectrolytes." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 136 (2014): 13478-13481.
R.A. Schlitz, F.G. Brunetti, A.M. Glaudell, Levi P. Miller, M.A. Brady, C.J. Takacs, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Solubility-Limited Extrinsic n-Type Doping of a High Electron Mobility Polymer for Thermoelectric Applications." ADVANCED MATERIALS 26 (2014): 2825-2830.