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NEXAFS Spectroscopy Reveals the Molecular Orientation in Blade-Coated Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole-Containing Conjugated Polymer Thin Films." MACROMOLECULES 48 (2015): 6606-6616.
"Phase Separated Morphology of Ferroelectric-Semiconductor Polymer Blends Probed by Synchrotron X-ray Methods." MACROMOLECULES 48 (2015): 5861-5867.
"Role of crystallinity of non-fullerene acceptors in bulk heterojunctions." JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 3 (2015): 9989-9998.
"Schmitt Trigger Using a Self-Healing Ionic Liquid Gated Transistor." ADVANCED MATERIALS 27 (2015): 3331-3335.
"A Solid-State Effect Responsible for an Organic Quintet State at Room Temperature and Ambient Pressure." ADVANCED MATERIALS 27 (2015): 1718+.
"Structural Characterization of Vapor-Deposited Glasses of an Organic Hole Transport Material with X-ray Scattering." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27 (2015): 3341-3348.
"Suppressing crystallization in solution-processed thin films of organic semiconductors." MRS COMMUNICATIONS 5 (2015): 447-452.
"Temperature-Dependent Polarization in Field-Effect Transport and Photovoltaic Measurements of Methylammonium Lead Iodide." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 6 (2015): 3565-3571.
"Varying the ionic functionalities of conjugated polyelectrolytes leads to both p- and n-type carbon nanotube composites for flexible thermoelectrics." ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 8 (2015): 2341-2346.
"Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Thermoelectric Composites of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes." MACROMOLECULES 49 (2016): 4957-4963.
"Avoid the kinks when measuring mobility Transistor measurements can overstate organic semiconductor charge carrier mobility." SCIENCE 352 (2016): 1521-1522.
"Coulomb Enhanced Charge Transport in Semicrystalline Polymer Semiconductors." ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 26 (2016): 8011-8022.
"Electrochemical Effects in Thermoelectric Polymers." ACS MACRO LETTERS 5 (2016): 455-459.
"Increasing the Thermoelectric Power Factor of a Semiconducting Polymer by Doping from the Vapor Phase." ACS MACRO LETTERS 5 (2016): 268-272.
"Infinite Polyiodide Chains in the Pyrroloperylene-Iodine Complex: Insights into the Starch-Iodine and Perylene-Iodine Complexes." ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 55 (2016): 8032-8035.
"The influence of polymer purification on the efficiency of poly(3-hexylthiophene):fullerene organic solar cells." SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 (2016): 23651.
"Interfacial Characteristics of Efficient Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Fabricated on MoOx Anode Interlayers." ADVANCED MATERIALS 28 (2016): 3944+.
"Model-blind characterization of thin-film optical constants with momentum-resolved reflectometry." OPTICS EXPRESS 24 (2016): 28843-28858.
"Morphology-dependent optical anisotropies in the n-type polymer P(NDI2OD-T2)." PHYSICAL REVIEW B 94 (2016): 165105.
"Organic thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting and temperature control." NATURE REVIEWS MATERIALS 1 (2016): 16050.
"Removal of Residual Diiodooctane Improves Photostability of High-Performance Organic Solar Cell Polymers." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 28 (2016): 876-884.
"Role of Solution Structure in Self-Assembly of Conjugated Block Copolymer Thin Films." MACROMOLECULES 49 (2016): 8187-8197.
"Significance of Miscibility in Multidonor Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 54 (2016): 237-246.
"Tethered tertiary amines as solid-state n-type dopants for solution-processable organic semiconductors." CHEMICAL SCIENCE 7 (2016): 1914-1919.
"(TTF)Pb2I5: A Radical Cation-Stabilized Hybrid Lead Iodide with Synergistic Optoelectronic Signatures." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 28 (2016): 3607-3611.