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Electrostatic Interactions Control the Nanostructure of Conjugated Polyelectrolyte–Polymeric Ionic Liquid Blends." Macromolecules 55 (2022).
"Ionic Compatibilization of Polymers." ACS Polymers Au 2 (2022).
"Aqueous Formulation of Concentrated Semiconductive Fluid Using Polyelectrolyte Coacervation." ACS Macro Letters 10 (2021): 1008-1014.
"Electronic, Ionic, and Mixed Conduction in Polymeric Systems." Annual Review of Materials Research 51 (2021).
"Ion Pair Uptake in Ion Gel Devices Based on Organic Mixed Ionic–Electronic Conductors." Advanced Functional Materials (2021): 2104301.
"Postdeposition Processing Influences the Relative Contributions of Electronic and Ionic Seebeck Effects in the Thermoelectric Response of Conducting Polymers." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2021).
"Redox-Active Polymeric Ionic Liquids with Pendant N-Substituted Phenothiazine." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021).
"The Role of Anions on Light-Driven Conductivity in Diarylethene-Containing Polymeric Ionic Liquids." Polymer Chemistry 12 (2021): 719-724.
"Effects of Counter-Ion Size on Delocalization of Carriers and Stability of Doped Semiconducting Polymers." Advanced Electronic Materials (2020).
"Controlling the Doping Mechanism in Poly (3-hexylthiophene) Thin-Film Transistors with Polymeric Ionic Liquid Dielectrics." Chemistry of Materials 31, no. 21 (2019): 8820-8829.