
Found 20 results
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Journal Article
M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, R.J. Kline, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "X-ray scattering study of thin films of poly(2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene)." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 129 (2007): 3226-3237.
C.D. Liman, S.H. Choi, Dag W. Breiby, J.E. Cochran, M.F. Toney, E.J. Kramer, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Two-Dimensional GIWAXS Reveals a Transient Crystal Phase in Solution-Processed Thermally Converted Tetrabenzoporphyrin." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 117 (2013): 14557-14567.
J.E. Cochran, E. Amir, Kulandaivelu Sivanandan, S.Y. Ku, Jung Hwa Seo, B.A. Collins, John R. Tumbleston, M.F. Toney, H. Ade, C.J. Hawker et al. "Synthesis, solid-state, and charge-transport properties of conjugated polythiophene-S,S-dioxides." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 51 (2013): 48-56.
A. Gujral, K.A. O'Hara, M.F. Toney, M.L. Chabinyc, and M.D. Ediger. "Structural Characterization of Vapor-Deposited Glasses of an Organic Hole Transport Material with X-ray Scattering." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27 (2015): 3341-3348.
S.Y. Ku, C.D. Liman, J.E. Cochran, M.F. Toney, M.L. Chabinyc, and C.J. Hawker. "Solution-Processed Nanostructured Benzoporphyrin with Polycarbonate Binder for Photovoltaics." ADVANCED MATERIALS 23 (2011): 2289+.
Brocorens, Patrick, Antoine Van Vooren, M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, M. Shkunov, M.J. Heeney, I. McCulloch, Jerome Cornil, and Roberto Lazzoroni. "Solid-State Supramolecular Organization of Polythiophene Chains Containing Thienothiophene Units." ADVANCED MATERIALS 21 (2009): 1193-1198.
Perez, Louis A., James T. Rogers, M.A. Brady, Yanming Sun, Gregory C. Welch, Kristin Schmidt, M.F. Toney, Hiroshi Jinnai, A.J. Heeger, M.L. Chabinyc et al. "The Role of Solvent Additive Processing in High Performance Small Molecule Solar Cells." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 26 (2014): 6531-6541.
M.A. Brady, S.Y. Ku, L.A. Perez, J.E. Cochran, K. Schmidt, T.M. Weiss, M.F. Toney, H. Ade, A. Hexemer, C. Wang et al. "Role of Solution Structure in Self-Assembly of Conjugated Block Copolymer Thin Films." MACROMOLECULES 49 (2016): 8187-8197.
M.L. Chabinyc, and M.F. Toney. "POLY 630-X-ray scattering sudies of ordering in thin films of polythiophenes." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 232 (2006).
J.E. Cochran, Matthias J. N. Junk, A.M. Glaudell, Levi P. Miller, J.S. Cowart, Jr., M.F. Toney, C.J. Hawker, Bradley F. Chmelka, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Molecular Interactions and Ordering in Electrically Doped Polymers: Blends of PBTTT and F(4)TCNQ." MACROMOLECULES 47 (2014): 6836-6846.
I. McCulloch, M.J. Heeney, C. Bailey, K Genevicius, I Macdonald, M. Shkunov, D. Sparrowe, S. Tierney, R Wagner, WM Zhang et al. "Liquid-crystalline semiconducting polymers with high charge-carrier mobility." NATURE MATERIALS 5 (2006): 328-333.
N.D. Treat, M.A. Brady, Gordon Smith, M.F. Toney, E.J. Kramer, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Interdiffusion of PCBM and P3HT Reveals Miscibility in a Photovoltaically Active Blend." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 1 (2011): 82-89.
N.D. Treat, M.A. Brady, Gordon Smith, M.F. Toney, E.J. Kramer, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Interdiffusion of PCBM and P3HT Reveals Miscibility in a Photovoltaically Active Blend (vol 1, pg 82, 2010)." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 1 (2011): 145.
N.D. Treat, C.G. Shuttle, M.F. Toney, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "In situ measurement of power conversion efficiency and molecular ordering during thermal annealing in P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells." JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 21 (2011): 15224-15231.
A. Gujral, J. Gomez, J. Jiang, C. Huang, K.A. O'Hara, M.F. Toney, M.L. Chabinyc, L. Yu, and M.D. Ediger. "Highly Organized Smectic-like Packing in Vapor-Deposited Glasses of a Liquid Crystal." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 29 (2017): 849-858.
M.L. Chabinyc, R.A. Lujan, F. Endicott, M.F. Toney, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "Effects of the surface roughness of plastic-compatible inorganic dielectrics on polymeric thin film transistors." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (2007): 233508.
R.J. Kline, D.M. DeLongchamp, D.A. Fischer, E.K. Lin, L.J. Richter, M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, M.J. Heeney, and I. McCulloch. "Critical role of side-chain attachment density on the order and device performance of polythiophenes." MACROMOLECULES 40 (2007): 7960-7965.
Jimison, Leslie H., A. Salleo, M.L. Chabinyc, David P. Bernstein, and M.F. Toney. "Correlating the microstructure of thin films of poly[5,5-bis(3-dodecyl-2-thienyl)-2,2-bithiophene] with charge transport: Effect of dielectric surface energy and thermal annealing." PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78 (2008): 125319.
M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "COLL 450-Interfacial interactions of semiconducting polymers in thin film transistors." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 234 (2007).
Conference Paper
A. Salleo, Leslie H. Jimison, Matthew M. Donovan, M.L. Chabinyc, and M.F. Toney. "Micro-structural effects on the performance of poly(thiophene) field-effect transistors." In Organic Field-Effect Transistors V, edited by Z Bao and D.J. Gundlach, U46-U53. Vol. 6336. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6336. 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA: SPIE, 2006.