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Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Thermoelectric Composites of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes." MACROMOLECULES 49 (2016): 4957-4963.
"Branched Side Chains Govern Counterion Position and Doping Mechanism in Conjugated Polythiophenes." ACS Macro Letters (2018): 1492-1497.
"Electrical properties of doped conjugated polyelectrolytes with modulated density of the ionic functionalities." CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 51 (2015): 17607-17610.
"Electrochemical Effects in Thermoelectric Polymers." ACS MACRO LETTERS 5 (2016): 455-459.
"Large-scale integration of flexible materials into rolled and corrugated thermoelectric modules." JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 134 (2017): 44208.
"Nonaggregating Doped Polymers Based on Poly(3,4-Propylenedioxythiophene)." Macromolecules 52 (2019): 2203-2213.
"Organic thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting and temperature control." NATURE REVIEWS MATERIALS 1 (2016): 16050.
"Photocrosslinking polymeric ionic liquids via anthracene cycloaddition for organic electronics." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (2018): 8762-8769.
"Poly(3-alkylthiophene) Diblock Copolymers with Ordered Microstructures and Continuous Semiconducting Pathways." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 133 (2011): 9270-9273.
"Power Factor Enhancement in Solution-Processed Organic n-Type Thermoelectrics Through Molecular Design." ADVANCED MATERIALS 26 (2014): 3473-3477.
"Role of Disorder Induced by Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Semiconducting Polymers." Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018): 2965-2972.
"Tethered tertiary amines as solid-state n-type dopants for solution-processable organic semiconductors." CHEMICAL SCIENCE 7 (2016): 1914-1919.
"Varying the ionic functionalities of conjugated polyelectrolytes leads to both p- and n-type carbon nanotube composites for flexible thermoelectrics." ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 8 (2015): 2341-2346.
"X-Ray Scattering Reveals Ion-Induced Microstructural Changes During Electrochemical Gating of Poly(3-Hexylthiophene)." Advanced Functional Materials 28 (2018): 1803687.