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Journal Article
J.B. Sherman, K. Moncino, T. Baruah, G. Wu, S.R. Parkin, B. Purushothaman, R. Zope, J. Anthony, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Crystalline Alloys of Organic Donors and Acceptors Based on TIPS-Pentacene." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 119 (2015): 20823-20832.
S. Madhu, H.A. Evans, V.T. Doan-Nguyen, J.G. Labram, G. Wu, M.L. Chabinyc, R. Seshadri, and F. Wudl. "Infinite Polyiodide Chains in the Pyrroloperylene-Iodine Complex: Insights into the Starch-Iodine and Perylene-Iodine Complexes." ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 55 (2016): 8032-8035.
Y. Zheng, M.S. Miao, G. Dantelle, N.D. Eisenmenger, G. Wu, I. Yavuz, M.L. Chabinyc, K.N. Houk, and F. Wudl. "A Solid-State Effect Responsible for an Organic Quintet State at Room Temperature and Ambient Pressure." ADVANCED MATERIALS 27 (2015): 1718+.
J.B. Sherman, C.Y. Chiu, R. Fagenson, G. Wu, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Suppressing crystallization in solution-processed thin films of organic semiconductors." MRS COMMUNICATIONS 5 (2015): 447-452.
J.G. Labram, D.H. Fabini, E.E. Perry, A.J. Lehner, H. Wang, A.M. Glaudell, G. Wu, H.A. Evans, D. Buck, R. Cotta et al. "Temperature-Dependent Polarization in Field-Effect Transport and Photovoltaic Measurements of Methylammonium Lead Iodide." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 6 (2015): 3565-3571.
H.A. Evans, A.J. Lehner, J.G. Labram, D.H. Fabini, O. Barreda, S.R. Smock, G. Wu, M.L. Chabinyc, R. Seshadri, and F. Wudl. "(TTF)Pb2I5: A Radical Cation-Stabilized Hybrid Lead Iodide with Synergistic Optoelectronic Signatures." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 28 (2016): 3607-3611.