Mao, Lingling, Emily E. Morgan, Alice Li, Rhiannon M. Kennard, Min Ji Hong, Yang Liu, Clayton J. Dahlman, John G. Labram, Michael L. Chabinyc, and Ram Seshadri. "
Layered Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskites with Short Interlayer Distances."
ACS Energy Letters 7 (2022).
Kennard, Rhiannon M., Clayton J. Dahlman, Emily E. Morgan, Juil Chung, Benjamin L. Cotts, Joseph R. A. Kincaid, Ryan A. DeCrescent, Kevin H. Stone, Shobhana Panuganti, Yahya Mohtashami et al. "
Enhancing and Extinguishing the Different Emission Features of 2D (EA 1− x FA x ) 4 Pb 3 Br 10 Perovskite Films."
Advanced optical materials (2022).