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Aqueous Formulation of Concentrated Semiconductive Fluid Using Polyelectrolyte Coacervation." ACS Macro Letters 10 (2021): 1008-1014.
"Controlling the Doping Mechanism in Poly (3-hexylthiophene) Thin-Film Transistors with Polymeric Ionic Liquid Dielectrics." Chemistry of Materials 31, no. 21 (2019): 8820-8829.
"Effects of Counter-Ion Size on Delocalization of Carriers and Stability of Doped Semiconducting Polymers." Advanced Electronic Materials (2020).
"Electronic, Ionic, and Mixed Conduction in Polymeric Systems." Annual Review of Materials Research 51 (2021).
"Electrostatic Interactions Control the Nanostructure of Conjugated Polyelectrolyte–Polymeric Ionic Liquid Blends." Macromolecules 55 (2022).
"Ion Pair Uptake in Ion Gel Devices Based on Organic Mixed Ionic–Electronic Conductors." Advanced Functional Materials (2021): 2104301.
"Ionic Compatibilization of Polymers." ACS Polymers Au 2 (2022).
"Postdeposition Processing Influences the Relative Contributions of Electronic and Ionic Seebeck Effects in the Thermoelectric Response of Conducting Polymers." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2021).
"Redox-Active Polymeric Ionic Liquids with Pendant N-Substituted Phenothiazine." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021).
"The Role of Anions on Light-Driven Conductivity in Diarylethene-Containing Polymeric Ionic Liquids." Polymer Chemistry 12 (2021): 719-724.