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Short channel effects in regioregular poly(thiophene) thin film transistors." JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 96 (2004): 2063-2070.
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-octeneoxybenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 1444-1447.
"Gas-phase ionic reactions: Dynamics and mechanism of nucleophilic displacements." SCIENCE 279 (1998): 1882-1886.
"Acidity, basicity, and the stability of hydrogen bonds: Complexes of RO-+HCF3." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 120 (1998): 10863-10870.
"Hydrogen bond strength and acidity. Structural and energetic correlations for acetylides and alcohols." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 103 (1999): 9163-9166.
"Hydrogen-bonded complexes of methanol and acetylides. Structure and energy correlations." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 122 (2000): 5371-5378.
"Unusual ionic hydrogen bonds: Complexes of acetylides and fluoroform." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 122 (2000): 8739-8745.
"Molecular rectification in self-assembled monolayer metal-insulator-metal junctions." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 221 (2001): U308.
"An integrated fluorescence detection system in poly(dimethylsiloxane) for microfluidic applications." ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 73 (2001): 4491-4498.
"Molecular rectification in a metal-insulator-metal junction based on self-assembled monolayers." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 124 (2002): 11730-11736.
"Organic polymeric thin-film transistors fabricated by selective dewetting." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 81 (2002): 4260-4262.
"Molecular electronics with a metal-insulator-metal junction based on self-assembled monolayers." In MOLECULES AS COMPONENTS OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES, edited by M Lieberman, 16-35. Vol. 844. ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES 844. 1155 SIXTEENTH ST NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: Amer Chem Soc, 2003.
"Self-assembled monolayers exposed to metastable argon beams undergo thiol exchange reactions." LANGMUIR 19 (2003): 2201-2205.
"Fabrication of arrays of polymeric transistors using microfluidics." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 226 (2003): U393-U394.
"Fabrication of arrays of organic polymeric thin-film transistors using self-aligned microfluidic channels." ADVANCED MATERIALS 15 (2003): 1903+.
"Semiconducting polymers for thermoelectrics." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 247 (2014).
"Lamination method for the study of interfaces in polymeric thin film transistors." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 (2004): 13928-13929.
"Materials requirements and fabrication of active matrix arrays of organic thin-film transistors for displays." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 16 (2004): 4509-4521.
"Printing methods and materials for large-area electronic devices." PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 93 (2005): 1491-1499.
"Semiconducting polymers for thin-film electronics." POLYMER REVIEWS 46 (2006): 1-5.
"Effects of humidity on unencapsulated poly(thiophene) thin-film transistors." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 88 (2006): 113514.
"POLY 630-X-ray scattering sudies of ordering in thin films of polythiophenes." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 232 (2006).
"Effects of molecular oxygen and ozone on polythiophene-based thin-film transistors." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (2007): 123508.
"X-ray scattering study of thin films of poly(2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene)." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 129 (2007): 3226-3237.
"Effects of the surface roughness of plastic-compatible inorganic dielectrics on polymeric thin film transistors." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (2007): 233508.